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B i o g r a p h y

Misa Mead

Misa was born in Kumamoto city, in the south west of Japan. She graduated from Tokyo College of Music. Misa won the unanimous Gold Medal at the European Solo Competition for Young Soloists in Luxembourg, as well as winning many other solo competitions. Misa graduated with Honors at the Regional Conservatory of Paris. After Misa returned to Japan, she appeared as a guest artist at festivals in Thailand and the USA. Since 2013, Misa moved to the UK, and performed many concerts in more than twenty countries and with more than forty ensembles. In 2014, her debut album Journey, was released and in 2018 her second solo album Souvenir was also met with great critical acclaim. Since 2016, she contributes regularly to the Japanese brass magazine 'Pipers'. In 2017, the duet CD with Steven Mead, Love’s Joy was released. This CD was voted Duet CD of the Year 2017 by the UK’s Brass Band World Magazine. Misa is active as a freelance composer and orchestrator. Many of her works are published by ASKS Winds (Japan) and Bocchino Music (UK) and distributed word-wide. Misa has also served as a jury member at several prestigious international solo competitions. In May 2019 Misa released her book Misa's Technicals which has become a much sought-after book by students and teachers. Misa is a Besson Euphonium Artist and a Denis Wick Performing Artist and they support many of her activities including workshops and masterclasses around the world.


熊本市生まれ。東京音楽大学卒業(特待奨学生) 。

若いソリストの為のヨーロピアン・ コンクール (ルクセンブルク) 満場一致の金メダル受賞を始め、国内外の数々のコンクールに入賞。






2016年より管楽器専門月刊誌『PIPERS』(パ イパーズ)にて「ミードと暮らす」を連載。2017年スティーブン・ミード氏とのデュオCD『Love's Joy』をリリース、英国の雑誌ブラスバンド・ワールドで「Duet CD of the Year」を受賞。




金管楽器クリニシャンとしてワークショップやマスタークラスを多く行なっており、2019年5月には教則本「Misa’s Technicals」を出版。


作・編曲家としても活動。ASKS Winds 、Bocchino Musicより、多くの作品を出版している。

現在ベッソン・ユーフォニアム・アーティストとして、また、デニスウィック・パフォーミング・アーティストとして世界中 で演奏活動を行う。


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